Singapore Government
This website provides a variety of services tailored to citizens, non citizens and businesses entities, such as applying for licenses and permits. It also includes an alphabetical list of government agencies.
Ministry of Finance (MOF)
MOF's mission is to create a better Singapore through Finance. It oversees the establishment of sound public finances in the areas of reserves management, tax and government expenditure. MOF also works with the other government agencies to generate growth with opportunities for Singapore. Finally, as a central agency, MOF also partners all other government agencies to grow a high performance government.
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)
IRAS administers, assesses, collects and enforces the payment of taxes. The Authority also advises the Government and represents Singapore internationally on matters relating to taxation.
Ministry of Manpower (MOM)
MOM is responsible for the issuance of work permits and employment passes. It also governs manpower issues and is the regulatory authority for employment agencies.
Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board
The CPF Board is the trustee of members' CPF savings. It seeks to protect and preserve the value of the savings by providing fair market returns at minimal risk, while opening avenues for members to seek higher returns on their own after carefully considering the risks involved.
Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI)
MTI aims to promote economic growth and create jobs, so as to achieve higher standards of living for all.
Department of Statistics (DOS)
The Department of Statistics, as the National Statistical Co-ordinator, is responsible for developing and promoting observance of national statistical standards. One of such standards is the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC), which is used for classifying activities of business entities.
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Singapore
The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) is the national regulator of business entities and public accountants in Singapore. ACRA also plays the role of a facilitator for the development of business entities and the public accountancy profession.
Pro-Enterprise Panel (PEP)
The PEP seeks feedback from businesses to ensure that government rules and regulations remain relevant and supportive of our pro-enterprise environment.
First Mover
The First Mover Framework allocates public assets for innovative business ideas. First Movers may be granted an allocation advantage and/or a price advantage. Allocation advantage means that the First Mover gets favourable treatment when the asset is to be allocated for the specific use proposed by the First Mover. Price advantage means that the First Mover need not pay the full market price for the use of the asset.
Infocomm SME Adoption Programme
The Infocomm SME Adoption Programme (Infocomm@SME) is an IDA programme that can help Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) embrace and adopt infocomm to improve their business productivity, growth and differentiation.
Managed by SPRING Singapore, EnterpriseOne (One Network for Enterprises) is a multi-agency initiative that aims to help local enterprises find the answers they need to start, sustain and grow their businesses. Local enterprises and would-be entrepreneurs can approach the Enterprise Development Centres (EDCs) under the EnterpriseOne network for business advisory services.
SPRING Singapore
SPRING Singapore is the agency for enterprise development. It helps to nurture a pro-business environment, facilitate the growth of industries, and enhance innovation and enterprise capabilities of small and medium enterprises for better access to markets and business opportunities. As the national standards and conformance body, it helps to lower technical barriers to trade, provide quality assurance for products and services and promote industry use of Singapore and international standards.
IE Singapore
International Enterprise Singapore is an agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry responsible for developing Singapore's external economy, by promoting overseas growth of Singapore-based companies and international trade.
Supreme Court
Supreme Court superintends the administration of justice. It is made up of the Court of Appeal and the High Court, and hears both civil and criminal matters.
Subordinate Court
The award-winning website of the Subordinate Courts of Singapore (which includes the Small Claims Tribunals) provides a wealth of useful information and materials for court users and the public.
Intellectual Property of Singapore (IPOS)
IPOS is the lead government agency that formulates and administers intellectual property (IP) laws. It also promotes IP awareness and provides the infrastructure to facilitate the development of IP in Singapore. As the IP regulator and promoter, IPOS is committed to maintaining a robust and pro-business IP regime for the protection and commercial exploitation of IP.
Insolvency and Public Trustee’s Office (IPTO)
IPTO provides innovative and quality services in insolvency and trustee matters, as well as responsive regulation of moneylending and pawnbroking businesses.
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
MAS is the central bank of Singapore. It formulates and executes Singapore's monetary policy, and issues Singapore currency. As banker and financial agent to the Government, MAS manages the country's official foreign reserves and issues government securities. As supervisor and regulator of Singapore's financial services sector, MAS has prudential oversight over the banking, securities, futures and insurance industries. It is also responsible for the development and promotion of Singapore as an international financial centre.
Housing Development Board (HDB)
HDB provides affordable homes of quality and value, creates vibrant and sustainable towns and promotes the building of active and cohesive communities.
Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP)
TAFEP promotes fair, responsible and merit-based employment practices so that employees can realise their full potential and employers can achieve organisational excellence. Leveraging its unique tripartite identity, TAFEP works in partnership with employer organisations, unions and the government to create awareness and facilitate the adoption of fair and responsible employment practices. TAFEP provides a range of services, tools and resources, including training workshops, advisory services, and educational materials, to help organisations implement fair and responsible employment practices.
The Singapore Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (SAICSA)
SAICSA aims to promote and advance efficient administration in the corporate world and industry. It does this through the development of the study and practice of chartered secretaryship and professional administration.
Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore (ICPAS)
ICPAS is the national organisation of the accountancy profession in Singapore. The mission of the ICPAS is to develop, support and enhance the integrity, status and interests of the accountancy profession in Singapore.
Accounting Standards Council (ASC)
The ASC prescribes accounting standards for companies and for other entities such as societies, charities and cooperatives societies.
Securities Investors Association (Singapore)
Securities Investors Association (Singapore) actively promotes Investor Education, Corporate Transparency and Corporate Governance and champions Investor rights. This Association is committed to investor education of all levels. It provides online investor education and information to a wide audience inside and outside of Singapore.
Singapore Business Federation (SBF)
SBF champions the interests of the business community in Singapore in trade, investment and industrial relations. As Singapore’s apex chamber, it also acts as the bridge between the government and businesses in Singapore to create and enhance a conducive business environment.
Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME)
ASME is a not-for-profit organisation that welcomes all in the entrepreneurial community as members. With a wide array of business centred activities, services and programmes, ASME is well-poised to facilitate the growth and development of a larger pool of SMEs in Singapore.
Singapore Institute of Directors (SID)
SID promotes high standards of corporate governance through education, training and upholding the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct of directors.
Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC)
SGNIC provides Internet registry and information services in an efficient, effective and responsible manner, so as to ensure the smooth running of the Internet in Singapore. It aims to facilitate the use of the Internet by administering the registration of .SG domain names in a logical and coherent framework.
Law Society
Law Society represents members of the Singapore legal profession and maintains their standards of conduct and learning. It also protects and assists the Singapore public in all matters relating to the law.